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International Journal

Submitted and Under Review

[62] Chau N-K, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Choi S, Quantitative computed tomography imaging classification of cement dust-exposed patients-based Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781)

[61] Tran TM, Nguyen QH, Choi S, Airflow and Pressure Distribution of Cement Dust Exposed Subjects with CT Image-based 1D Airflow Models (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781, 20224000000150)

[60] Kim C-H, Choi S-H, Jung D, Choi S, Lee S, Gas Exposure Level Estimation Using Colorimetric Sensors: A Sequential Machine Learning Approach with Time-Series Data Analysis and Image Encoding

[59] Nguyen QH, Huh S, Cui X, Lin C-L, Choi S, OpenFOAM-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics in a Respiratory System with Physiologically Consistent Geometry and Boundary Conditions (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781)



[58] Sim DW*, Choi S*, Jeong J, Lee S-Y, Nam Y‑H, Kim B-K, Lee Y-S, Shim J-S, Yang M-S, Kim M-H, Kim SR, Koh Y-I, Kim S-H, Park H-W; KoSAR investigators, Computed tomography-based measurements associated with a rapid lung function decline in patients with severe asthma, Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Accepted for Publication, * Co-first authors, equal contribution​

[57] Hwang J, Kim WJ, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Lee CH, Cui X, Choi S, Computational Fluid Dynamics-based Study of the Airflow and Particle Transport Characteristics in Cement Dust Exposed Subjects: A Feasibility Study, Aerosol Science and Technology, Accepted for Publication (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781)

[56] Hao J, Haiwen G, Hui T, Wenguo W, Choi S, Chenglei W, Li W, Xinguang C, Assessing respiratory airflow unsteadiness under different tidal respiratory frequencies using large eddy simulation method, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 179: 108834, 0010-4825, Sep, SCIE, IF 7.0, Q1-6%

[55] Moon YS, Park B, Park J, Ho TT, Lim J-K, Choi S, Identification and Risk Classification of Thymic Epithelial Tumors using 3D Computed Tomography Images and Deep Learning Models,  Biomedical Signal Processing & Control, 95: 106473, 1746-8094, Sep, SCIE, IF 5.1, Q2-26.6% (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781)

[54] Park S, Kim M, Seo J, Choi S, Numerical study on the internal ventilation of the engine room of a ship under construction, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 100: 232-245, 1110-0168, August, SCIE, IF 6.8, Q1-8.3% (20224000000150, P0025441)

[53] Chau N-K, Ma T-T, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Jin GY, Chae KJ, Choi S, BranchLabelNet: Anatomical Human Airway Labeling Approach using a Dividing-and-Grouping Multi-Label Classification,  Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, , 0140-0118, May 23, SCIE, IF 3.2, Q2-30% (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781)

[52] Jeong J*, Nam Y‑H*, Sim DW, Kim B-K, Lee Y-S, Shim J-S, Lee S-Y, Yang M-S, Kim M-H, Kim SR, Choi S, Kim S-H, Koh Y-I, Park H-W; KoSAR investigators, Relationship of computed tomography-based measurements with symptom perception and quality of life in patients with severe asthma, Respiratory Medicine, 225: 107598, 0954-6111, April-May, SCIE, IF 4.3, Q2-33.9% (2022-ER1204-00)
* Co-first authors, equal contribution​

[51] Ho TT, Tran TM, Cui X, Lin C-L, Baek S, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Jin GY, Chae KJ, Choi S, Human-Airway Surface Mesh Smoothing Based on Graph Convolutional Neural Networks, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 246, 0169-2607, April, SCIE, IF 6.1, Q1-13.1% (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781, KSC-2022-CRE-0495)

[50] Lee HI, Jung JH, Lee AR, Kim WT, Choi S, Numerical Assessment of Flow-Induced Vibration in Main Steam Piping Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Trans Korean Soc Mech Eng B 2024, 48(3) p193-202, 1226-4881, March, SCOPUS

Nguyen QH, Kim SR, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Choi S, Structural and functional features of asthma participants with fixed airway obstruction using CT imaging and 1D computational fluid dynamics: A feasibility study, Physiological Reports, 12(1): e15909, 2051-817X, Jan 7, ESCI(SCOPUS), IF 2.5, Q3-51.2% (DongKook Life Science Co., Ltd)


[48] Pyo JH, Chau N-K, Park E-K*, Choi S*, Computed tomography-based imaging biomarker identifies coal workers’ pneumoconiosis, Frontiers in Physiology, 14, 1664-042X, Nov. 22, SCIE, IF 4.0, Q2-25.9%, (NRF-2023R1A2C2003781)
* Co-corresponding authors, equal contribution​

[47] Hao J, Haiwen G, Li W, Choi S, Ali F, Zhongnan A, Wending L, Xinguang C, Investigating unsteady airflow characteristics in the human upper airway based on the clinical inspiration data, Physics of Fluids, 35(10): 101911, 1070-6631, Oct 23, SCIE, IF 4.6, Q1-17.2%

[46] Kailiang T, Haiwen G, Choi S, Zhaojun X, Xinguang C, Numerical investigations of translocation characteristics of non-spherical silica nanoparticles across pulmonary surfactant monolayer under different respiratory states using coarse-grained molecular dynamics method, Powder Technology, 428 : 118851 , 0032-5910, Oct 1, SCIE, IF 5.2, Q1-21.1%

[45] Hao J, Haiwen G, Li W, Qizhi Z, Liang C, Choi S, Xinguang C, Large eddy simulation study of the airflow characteristics in a human whole-lung airway model, Physics of Fluids, 35(7): 071903, 1070-6631, July 19, SCIE, IF 4.6, Q1-17.2%

[44] Kim M, Choi S, Numerical investigation of condensation-induced water hammer effects in horizontal and vertical cold reheat pipes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 207: 124030, 0017-9310, June 15, SCIE, IF 5.431, Q1-12.04% (KEPCO-R18XA06-67, MOTIE-20224000000150)

[43] Ho TT, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Jin GY, Chae KJ, Choi S, An Unsupervised Image Registration Method Employing Chest Computed Tomography Images and Deep Neural Networks, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 154 : 106612, 0010-4825, March, SCIE, IF 6.698, Q1-13.3% (NRF- 2020R1F1A1069853, MOE-2018001360004)


[42] Naveed Ullah, Shehryar Ishaque, Man-Hoe Kim *, S Choi, Modeling and optimization of a micro-channel gas cooler for a
transcritical CO2 mobile air-conditioning system, Machines, Dec.,  SCIE, IF 2.899, Q2-45.83% 

[41] Tran TM, Huh S, Kim S, Cui X, Choi S, Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Tracheotomy on Flow and Particle Transport Characteristics in Human Airways, Physics of Fluids 2022, Dec 12, SCIE, IF 4.98, Q1-4.41% (NRF, 부산대과제) 

[40] Kim T*, Lim M-N*, Kim WJ, Ho TT, Lee CH, Chae KJ, Bak SH, Kwon SO, Jin GY, Park E-K, Choi S, Structural and Functional Alterations of Subjects with Cement Dust Exposure: A Longitudinal Quantitative Computed Tomography-Based Study, Science of the Total Environment 2022, Sep 1, SCIE, IF 7.963, Q1-8.94% (NRF, MOE)

* Co-first authors, equal contribution

[39] H Gea, P Zhaob, S Choi, T Dengd, Y Fengd, Xinguang Cui, Effects of face shield on an emitter during a cough process: A large-eddy simulation, Science of the Total Environment 2022, July 20, 831, 154856, SCIE, IF 7.963, Q1-8.94%

[38] Ho TT, Kim G-T, Kim T, Choi S*, Park E-K*, Classification of Rotator Cuff Tears in Ultrasound Images Using Deep Learning Models, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2022, May 1, 60, 1269-1278, SCIE, IF 2.602, Q3-55.41% (NRF, MOE)

* Co-corresponding authors, equal contribution

[37] Kim S*, Choi S*, Kim T, Jin KN, Cho S-H, Lee CH, Kang HR, Phenotypic Clusters Using Computed Tomography Reflecting Asthma Heterogeneity and Severity, World Allergy Organization Journal 2022, Feb 1, 15(2) 100628, SCIE, IF 4.084, Q3-51.79% (NRF,  MOE)

* Co-first authors, equal contribution

[36] Kim T, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Chae KJ, Bak SH, Kwon SO, Jin GY, Park E-K, Choi S, Quantitative Computed Tomography Imaging-Based Classification of Cement Dust-exposed Subjects with an Artificial Neural Network Technique, Computers in Biology and Medicine 2022, Feb 1, 141, 105162, SCIE, IF 4.589, Q1-19.9% (NRF, MOE)


[35] Kim T, Lee DH, Park E-K*, Choi S*, Deep Learning Techniques for Fatty Liver Using Multi-View Ultrasound Images Scanned by Different Scanners: Development and Validation Study, JMIR Medical Informatics 2021, Nov. 18, 9(11):e30066, (MOE)

* Co-corresponding authors, equal contribution

[34] Park JW*, Kim S*, Lim J-K, Jin KN, Yang MS, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Kim T-B, Kim H-K, Lee CH*, Choi S*, Quantitative CT Image-Based Structural and Functional Changes during Asthma Acute Exacerbations, Journal of Applied Physiology 2021, Sep 1, 131:3, 1056-1066, SCIE, IF 3.531, Q2-33%, (NRF, MOE)

[33] 박준우, Pham Quy Duc Thinh, 최상헌*, 상용(ANSYS Fluent)과 오픈소스(OpenFOAM) 전산유체해석 프로그램을 활용한 2상 유동 해석의 정량적 비교, KSCFE 2021, June, KCI, 26(2) 31-38 (NRF, KEPCO)

[32] Zou C, Li F, Choi J, Haghighi B, Choi S, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell JD, Lee CH, Barr RG, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Han M, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, O'Neal W, Paine R, Rennard SI, Smith BM, Woodruff PG, Lin C-L, Imaging-Based Clusters for COPD Phenotypes and Disease Progression in Former Smokers of the COPD Cohort Associate with Clinical Characteristics: the SubPopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS), International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2021 July 15, 20:153 (2019), SCIE, IF 3.355, Q2-47%

[31] Chae KJ, Jin GY, Choi J, Lee CH, Choi S, Choi H, Park J, Lin C-L, Hoffman EA, Generation-based Airway Remodeling in Smokers with Normal-looking CT: After Normalization to Control Inter-subject Variability, European Journal of Radiology 2021, SCIE, IF 3.528, Q2-35%

[30] Pham QDT, Jeon J, Cho D, Choi STwo-phase Flow Simulations Using 1D Centerline-based C- and U-shaped Pipe Meshes, Applied Sciences 2021, Feb, SCIE, 11(5) IF 2.679, Q2 -46%, (KEPCO)

[29] Pham QDT, Choi S, A Numerical Analysis of Direct Contact Condensation-Induced Water Hammering Effect using OpenFOAM in Realistic Steam Pipes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2021, 171: 121099, SCIE, IF 5.584, Q1-7% (KEPCO)

[28] Ho TT, Park J, Kim T, Park B, Lee J, Kim JY, Kim KB, Choi S, Kim YH, Lim J-K, Choi S, Deep learning models for predicting severe progression in COVID-19-infected patients, JMIR Medical Informatics 2021, Jan, SCIE, IF 2.955, Q3-45% (NRF, MOE)

[27] Ho TT, Kim T, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Chae KJ, Bak SH, Kwon SO, Jin GY, Park E-K, Choi S, A 3D-CNN model with CT-based parametric response mapping for classifying COPD subjects, Scientific Reports 2021 Jan 8, 11: 34, SCIE, IF 4.379, Q1-23% (MOE)


[26] Yoon S, Tam TM, Rajaraman P, Lin C-L, Tawhai M, Hoffman EA, and Choi S, An Integrated 1D Breathing Lung Simulation with Relative Hysteresis of Airway Structure and Regional Pressure for Healthy and Asthmatic Human Lungs, Journal of Applied Physiology 2020, 129: 732-747, SCI, IF 3.044 Q1-21% (NRF)

[25] Kim T, Cho HB, Kim WJ, Lee CH, Chae KJ, Choi SH, Lee KE, Bak SH, Kwon SO, Jin GY, Choi J, Park EK, Lin CL, Choi S, Quantitative CT-based Structural Alterations of Segmental Airways in Cement Dust-Exposed Subjects, Respiratory Research 2020 May 29, 21:133,, Biomed Central 1465-993X, SCIE, IF 3.924 Q2-30% (NRF, MOE)

[24] Rajaraman PK, Choi J, Hoffman EA, O'Shaughnessy PT, Choi S, Delvadia R, Babiskin A, Walenga R, Lin C-L, Transport and deposition of hygroscopic particles in asthmatic subjects with and without airway narrowing, Journal of Aerosol Science 2020; 146, 105581,, Elsevier 0021-8502, IF: 2.24

[23] Pham QDT, Jeon J, Choi S, Quantitative Comparison between Volume-of-Fluid and Two-Fluid Models for Two-Phase Flow Simulation using OpenFOAM, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2020 March 3; 34 (3): 1157–1166,, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 1738-494X, SCIE, IF: 1.221 (KEPCO)


[22] Haghighi B*, Choi S*, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell Jr. JD, Lee CH, Barr RG, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Han M, Hansel NN, Kanner RE,  Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, O’Neal W, Paine R III, Rennard SI, Smith BM, Woodruff PG, and Lin C-L, Imaging-Based Clusters in Former Smokers of the COPD Cohort Associate with Clinical Characteristics: the SubPopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS), Respiratory Research 2019 July 15; 20: 153,, Biomed Central 1465-993X, SCIE, IF 3.829 Q2-30% (NRF, MOE)

* Co-first authors, equal contribution

[21] Choi S, Yoon S, Jeon J, Zou C, Choi J, Tawhai M, Hoffman EA, Delvadia R, Babiskin A, Walenga R, and Lin C-L, 1D network simulations for evaluating regional flow and pressure distributions in healthy and asthmatic human lungs, Journal of Applied Physiology 2019 July 10; 127: 122-133, doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00016.2019, American Physiological Society 8750-7587, IF: 3.256 Q1-20% (NRF, KISTI) 

[20] Cho HB, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Choi J, Lin C-L, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain SB, Jarjour NN, Schiebler ML, Barr RG, Hansel N, Cooper CB, Kleerup EA, Han MK, Woodruff PG, Kanner RE, Bleecker ER, Peters SP, Moore WC, Lee CH, and Choi S, Structural and Functional Features on Quantitative Chest Computed Tomography in Korean Asian versus the White American Healthy Non-Smokers, Korean Journal of Radiology 2019 July; 20(7): 1236-1245,, Korean Radiological Society 1229-6929, IF: 3.072 Q1-25% (NRF, MOE)

[19] Choi J, LeBlanc LJ, Choi S, Haghighi B, Hoffman EA, O’Shaughnessy P, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain S, Jarjour N, Schiebler ML, Denlinger L, Delvadia R, Walenga R, Babiskin A, and Lin CL, Differences in Particle Deposition between Representative Members of Imaging-Based Asthma Clusters, Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2019 August 1; 32(4): 213-223,, Mary Ann Liebert 1941-2711, IF: 2.927 (NRF)

[18] Lin C-L, Choi S, Haghighi B, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Cluster-Guided Multiscale Lung Modeling via Machine Learning, Handbook of Materials Modeling: Applications: Current and Emerging Materials. W. Andreoni and S. Yip. Cham, Springer International Publishing 2019: 1-20, Book Section (NRF)


[17] Haghighi B, Choi S, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell JD, Barr Graham, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Han M, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, O'Neal W, Rennard SI, Woodruff PG, Lin C-L, Imaging-Based Clusters in Current Smokers of the COPD Cohort Associate with Clinical Characteristics: the SubPopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS), Respiratory Research 2018 Sep 18;19:178,, IF: 3.751

[16] Jin K, Yang M, Choi S, Choi Y, Association between airway parameters and abdominal fat measured via computed tomography in asthmatic patients, Allergy Asthma and Immunology Research 2018 Sep; 10(5): 503-515,, IF: 3.809 

[15] Choi S, Miyawaki S, Lin C-L. A Feasible Computational Fluid Dynamics Study for Relationships of Structural and Functional Alterations with Particle Depositions in Severe Asthmatic Lungs, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2018 July;, IF: 1.545 (NRF, KISTI)

[14] Choi S, Choi J, Lin C-L. Contributions of Kinetic Energy and Viscous Dissipation to Airway Resistance in Pulmonary Inspiratory and Expiratory Airflows in Successive Symmetric Airway Models With Various Bifurcation Angles, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2018 Jan; 140 (1): 011010, doi: 10.1115/1.4038163, IF: 2.057 (NRF)

[13] 최상헌, 표면장력을 고려한 2상유동 문제에 반분리 유한요소 기법의 적용, Trans Korean Soc Mech Eng B 2018; Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 291~297,


[12] Choi S, Haghighi B, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell Jr. JD, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain SB, Jarjour NN, Schiebler ML, Barr RG, Han M, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Hansel N, Kanner RE, Kazeroni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, O’Neal WK, Woodruff PG, Lin C-L for the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study (SPIROMICS) and Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP), Differentiation of Quantitative Computed Tomography Imaging Phenotypes in Asthma vs. COPD, BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2017; 4(1): e000252, doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2017-000252 (NRF).

[11] Jahani N, Choi S, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Kline JN, Lin C-L. A four-dimensional computed tomography comparison of healthy and asthmatic human lungs, Journal of Biomechanics 2017; 56: 102-110, doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.03.012, IF: 2.664, 5 year IF: 3.004

[10] Choi S, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain S, Jarjour N, Schiebler ML, Chen K, Lin C-L. Quantitative computed tomography imaging-based clustering differentiates asthmatic subgroups with distinctive clinical biomarkers, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017, 140 (3): 690-700,, IF: 12.485, 5 year IF: 11.476

[9] Thurman AL, Choi J, Choi S, Lin C-L, Hoffman EA, Lee CH, Chan K-S. Detection of Smoothly Distributed Spatial Outliers, with Applications to Identifying the Pulmonary Distribution of Parenchymal Hyperresponsiveness, Statistics in Medicine 2017, 36 (10): 1638-1654, doi: 10.1002/sim.7216, IF: 1.861


[8] Miyawaki S, Choi S, Hoffman EA, Lin C-L. A 4DCT imaging-based breathing lung model with relative hysteresis, Journal Computational Physics 2016; 326: 76-90, DOI:10.1016/, IF: 2.556, 5 year IF: 2.867

[7] Choi S, Cho MH, Choi HG, Yoo JY. A Q2Q1 integrated finite element method with the semi-implicit consistent CSF for solving incompressible two-phase flows with surface tension effect, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2016; 81 (5): 284-308, DOI:10.1002/fld.4185, IF: 1.447, 5 year IF: 1.830

[6] Choi S, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain S, Jarjour N, Schiebler ML, Lin C-L. Quantitative assessment of multiscale structural and functional alterations in asthmatic populations, Journal of Applied Physiology 2015;118 (5):1286-1298, DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01094.2014, IF: 3.351

[5] Choi S, Choi HG. Temporal discretization of viscous stress terms of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension effect, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2015; 29 (12): 5273-5279, DOI 10.1007/s12206-015-1129-3, IF: 0.838, 5 year IF: 0.87

[4] Jahani N, Choi S, Choi J, Iyer K, Hoffman EA, Lin C-L. Assessment of regional ventilation and deformation using 4D-CT imaging for healthy human lungs during tidal breathing, Journal of Applied Physiology 2015; 119 (10): 1064-1074, DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00339.2015, IF: 3.351

[3] Choi S, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Lin C-L. Improved CT-based estimate of pulmonary gas trapping accounting for scanner and lung-volume variations in a multicenter asthmatic study, Journal of Applied Physiology 2014; 117 (6):593-603, DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00280.2014, IF: 3.351

[2] Choi S, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Tawhai MH, Yin Y, Castro M, Lin C-L. Registration-based assessment of regional lung function via volumetric CT images of normal subjects vs. severe asthmatics, Journal of Applied Physiology 2013; 115 (5): 730-742, DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00113.2013, IF: 3.351

[1] Cho MH, Choi HG, Choi S, Yoo JY. A Q2Q1 finite element/level-set method for simulating two-phase flows with surface tension, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2012; 70: 468-492, DOI: 10.1002/fld.2696, IF: 1.447, 5 year IF: 1.830

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